Saturday, May 28, 2011

Could you be suffering from PTSD?

     Most people think of PTSD ( post traumatic stress disorder) as something that only battle harden soldiers live with. The fact  is anyone can suffer from PTSD, it just takes the right circumstances and stressors. In light of recent tornado's and floods in the United States, and earthquakes in Japan there is a high percentage of people suffering from PTSD. You may be suffering from it right now and not know it or what the symptoms are. If you have experienced a life changing disaster or accident you could have all the signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Listed below are some diagnostic criteria for PTSD.
  1. Traumatic Stressor: A person has been exposed to a traumatic event such as tornado,earthquake,war.
  2. Re-experiencing:  The traumatic event is persistently re-experienced in the persons life.It could be experienced in dreams,thoughts, images,and by acting out of ones feelings.
  3. Avoidance and numbing:  Persistent avoidance of anything associated with the trauma and a numbing feeling whenever one is feeling or thinking about the trauma.
  4. Hyperarousah: Persistent symptoms of increased arousal as indicated by not being able to fall asleep, outbursts of anger, startle response.
     If you are experiencing any of these diagnostic criteria you could be suffering from PTSD. Please check with your doctor and let them determine if you have PTSD.  It is important not to ignore these symptoms because they can only get worse. There is effective treatment plans for PTSD , but only if you seek diagnosis and treatment.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Living with Chronic illness

     One issue that many families live with every day is having a loved one coping with a chronic illness. I was diagnosed a year ago with Chronic leukemia or what is often called CLL. Since that time I have seen my oncologist each month for blood tests and to see if anything has changed in my physical condition. I must admit for the most part I have felt good until the last four months. I have noticed changes in how I feel and noticed a decrease in my energy levels. I have also noticed increase pain in my joints and muscles especially in the morning hours. Perhaps you are living with a chronic illness or cancer, if so I hope to address some of the issue of living with such a condition in future blog posts.
     I believe from my own experience it is important to stay connected to your spiritual community and keep up to date with new developments in the treatment of your condition. Also I recommend keeping a journal in which you can record a day by day account of your condition and how you feel. Keeping a Journal is vital in helping you and your doctor determine changes and possible problems that might develop and could be overlooked. Keeping a journal will help you track over time changes which could be forgotten or assumed to be normal.  If you experience  major changes in how you feel or pains you haven't felt before please contact your doctor as soon as possible.usually there is an reason for pain and changes in your energy level, don't ignore these symtoms. Remember to take care of yourself and get the rest you need. God bless.